Software / Cart3D Plus

Cart3D Plus

High-fidelity inviscid CFD

Conceptual to preliminary aerodynamic analysis and design

Leverage NASA technology for commercial projects

Automated gridding

Trusted pedigree

Excellent high-speed analysis

Model faster and get more out of your data

Flexible modeling and analysis

  • Component-based surface modeling approach allows build-up of complex geometries
  • Multiple solver options support single-node and distributed memory builds, and both steady and time-accurate solutions
  • Pre- and post-processing file integration, overgrid, and autoinput tools for Cart3D triangulation enhance user efficiency
  • Aerodynamic heating analysis based on single-pass boundary layer solution and empirical heat rate equations offered now in the new Scorch aeroheating add-on!

License Information

Cart3D Plus software is sold under an annual renewable license. Licenses of the software entitle the customer to one (1) year of Cart3D Plus use, along with access to any updates released during that license period. Both node-locked licenses and site licenses are available.

Please contact SpaceWorks directly for further information. For sales information, contact

View Full License Agreement

ITAR Notice

ITAR stands for International Traffic in Arms Regulation. It is a U.S. law intended to reduce the proliferation of weapons and weapons technology. Our software is subject to ITAR and as a result cannot be distributed to foreign nationals without an export license.

For more information, please visit the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls website.

System Requirements

  • Linux (custom MPI builds available)